Hearing Tests For Adults: Understanding When To Get Tested

Hearing Test

As you grow older, you should prioritise getting your hearing tested to ensure you’re aware of any discrepancies early on, which is much more manageable to treat.

Getting your ears tested does not automatically mean that something is wrong with your hearing but that you are taking measures to prevent hearing loss or damage. With age, these prospects become more likely, and for this reason, incremental hearing tests are recommended by most doctors on the Gold Coast.

Specialists suggest checks for adults around every 10 years before age 50 and every 3 years post 50 years old.

We discuss why this is in this article and what you can expect from the process.

Why Get Tested? 

Hearing loss may become apparent when you struggle to make out what people say when they talk to you in crowded areas, or you increase the volume of the television or radio far too much. However, individuals experiencing this often aren’t aware that they have an issue because of the gradual progression.

As the problem worsens, you may feel ashamed that you aren’t enjoying social interactions as much anymore, which may result in avoiding these situations entirely. Moreover, isolation can lead to depression, which is not worth it if you can get your hearing checked instead.

What Can You Expect From The Test? 

Getting your ears tested is painless, taking only around 30-minutes. The specialist will ask you to wear earphones and play varying tones at different volumes and pitches separately into each ear. This process tests the hearing capacity of each ear, indicating if you are experiencing hearing loss in either ear. Sometimes, they will ask you to listen to speaking voices at various volumes to test if you have trouble hearing the clarity of words. The specialist will then ask you to repeat what you heard, testing your ability to clarify some words better than others.

The Results 

Regarding hearing tests, there is no pass or fail system. The results indicate whether or not you have hearing loss in one or both ears and to what extent.

These results are measured in decibels. For reference, regular speech is 60 decibels, and whispering is 30 decibels. Adults experiencing hearing loss above 26 to 40 decibels are considered to have mild hearing loss. Anything below 25 decibels is considered normal. The highest degree of hearing loss is 91 to 100 decibels, and everything in between is graded from moderate to severe hearing loss.

Speak to your specialist to clarify the unit measurement system used for hearing loss in more detail. Prioritising routine hearing tests will assist with catching any hearing issues early on and procuring the correct treatment.

The Advanced Hearing Aid Centre team can assist with adult hearing tests on the Gold Coast. Book your appointment today.